List item grouper

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Welcome to the "List Item Grouper," a handy web tool designed to help you organize and manipulate lists with ease. This tool is perfect for anyone who needs to sort data into groups, apply specific formatting, or simply manage a list of items more efficiently. With its intuitive interface, you can input your list, choose how to separate and group your items, and even apply advanced formatting options with just a few clicks. Whether you're compiling research data, organizing a collection, or sorting through any list of items, this tool makes the process simple and streamlined.

Using the List Item Grouper is straightforward. Start by inputting your list into the "Input" textarea. If your list is already in a file, use the "Import" button to load it directly into the tool. You then have several options to customize how your list is processed: you can define the delimiter that separates your items, choose whether to use regular expressions for more advanced matching, and set how items are grouped together. Additionally, you can specify how each group is separated and wrapped, allowing for complete control over the output format. Once you're satisfied with your settings, the "Output" textarea will display your newly organized list, which you can easily save or copy with the provided buttons.

Whether you're a student, researcher, or professional, the List Item Grouper is an invaluable tool for managing and organizing your data. Its user-friendly design means you don't need any technical expertise to take full advantage of its capabilities. Just remember to bookmark this page (CTRL + D) for easy access whenever you need it. With this tool at your disposal, managing lists has never been easier or more efficient.